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Chipping Drills

Although the weather is cold it is dry so time to move outside to practice our golf.  Today we are going to look at a couple of chipping drills that I was given a few years ago.


Equipment needed

A chipping net or 2 canes to form a target area or a washing basket.  An old mat if you want to protect your grass.


Set the net/basket/canes 6 feet from where you are going to chip from.  The idea is to chip the bals into the space created by the canes or into the washing basket or net, hitting this area represents the first bounce of your chip.


First Drill

Take 5 balls and use your wedge, score 1 point for every time your ball is on target.

Repeat the exercise with other clubs you typically use when chipping.


Second Drill

If space permits place 3 balls at 3 feet; 6 feet; 9 feet from target area.  Chip one ball then move up the line – return and repeat with the remaining balls.  Repeat the exercise with any club you like to use for chipping – give yourself 1 point for a ball on target.


Keep your score and repeat the drill 3 times a week (hopefully) improving your score.

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